

UC Santa Cruz Smoke & Tobacco Free Environment Policy

Policy Compliance

Compliance with this policy is grounded in informing and educating members of the university community and visitors about the policy and encouraging those who use tobacco products to seek treatment for tobacco dependence. In order to maintain a smoke and tobacco free environment, notifying others about the policy will be an ongoing effort to enhance awareness of and foster compliance with this Policy. Violations of this policy may be subject to corrective action under the Student Code of Conduct, Human Resources and Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures, other applicable university regulations or policies, vendor contracts and citations and fines per California Government Code 7597.1

Exception to Policy

Smoking and all uses of tobacco are prohibited by system-wide UC policy. Both the smell of burning tobacco and the appearance of the act of smoking can trigger cravings in those who are trying to quit or have succeeded in breaking their nicotine addiction. Consequently, exceptions to the UCSC Smoke and Tobacco-Free policy are approved on a case-by-case basis and then only in very limited and specific circumstances. The benefits of such use must be weighed against the potential impact and the risk to campus health, safety, environmental, and fire before an exception may be granted. If an exception is being requested, complete the UCSC SMOKE & TOBACCO-FREE POLICY EXCEPTION REQUEST form, print, obtain division approval and send the completed form to tobaccofree@ucsc.edu.

For Questions

Contact Cindy Delgado at cadelgad@ucsc.edu or 831-459-1787.

Last modified: Sep 24, 2024