Risk Services offers resources for programs and activities involving minors. The University is committed to the safety and protection of minors who participate in activities and programs. We work with campus programs individually to address abuse prevention for employees, students and volunteers. Contact Risk Services to get started.
We can help with:
- Training, online or in person
- Development and review of programs, policies and procedures
- Guidelines, including
- Electronic communication with minors
- Procedures for transporting minors
- Abuse reporting guidelines
- Roles and responsibilites
- Waivers
- Risk mangement as relates to safeguarding positive engagement with minors
Requirements for Programs with Minors – Employees, Students and Volunteers, Complete Prior to working with minors.
- Background Check
- Code of Conduct
- CANRA Training for Mandated Reorters
- Keeping Your Higher Education Program Safe – UCSC Learning Center Online Training
- National Sex Offender Registry check
Minors and Parents/Legal Guardians- Complete Prior to program commencement
- Waiver of Liability
- Emergency Information and Contacts for Minor (under development)
- Authorization to Consent to Treatment of Minor (under development)
UC Policies
- Minors in Laboratories and Shops includes a waiver for minors in laboratories and shops.
- University Policy – Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect – CANRA – requires that employers of Mandated Reporters (as defined in the Act) promote identification and reporting of child abuse or neglect. It is the policy of the university to comply with its obligation under the Act.
For Questions and Information, Contact: risk@ucsc.edu