Communication & Outreach

Communication and Outreach

The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to providing students, academics, staff and visitors with a smoke and tobacco free environment. Effective January 1, 2014, under the authority of California Government Code 7597.1, smoking and the use of all tobacco products, the use of smokeless tobacco products, and the use of unregulated nicotine products (e.g., “e-cigarettes”) will be prohibited anywhere on campus, which includes all interior buildings, outdoor areas, sidewalks, parking lots, and residential housing areas as well as off-campus facilities controlled by UCSC.

The Higher Education Community

University of California is one of thousands of universities across the U.S. who have a smoke and tobacco free policy. To learn more about these programs, please see below:

The Higher Education Community

UC Smoke and Tobacco-Free Policy Implementation

If you would like to learn more about how other UC campuses are implementing the Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy, click on the corresponding link below:

For Questions

Contact Cindy Delgado at or 831-459-1787.

Last modified: Feb 11, 2025