You may come across someone smoking or using tobacco on UCSC campus locations. These suggestions are intended to help UCSC community members become more comfortable discussing the smoke and tobacco-free environment with other staff, students, academics, and visitors in a respectful and supportive manner.
- Be empathetic. The three to five minutes you spend with a person struggling with their need for tobacco could help their craving dissipate.
- Use common sense in every situation.
- Remember that the encounter should be supportive, not punitive.
- Share information about the campus policy in a non-judgmental way.
Situation and Responses
Situation: You see a person using tobacco products on UCSC property.
Response: “Hello, my name is __, and I am an (employee, student, faculty member) here at UCSC. I want to make you aware that we are a smoke and tobacco-free campus, meaning that smoking and all tobacco products are prohibited on our grounds. UC implemented this policy because we are committed to providing a healthy, safe, and productive work and learning environment for the entire campus community. We would appreciate it if you would not smoke or use tobacco products while visiting our campus. Thank you for helping us keep our campus smoke and tobacco-free.”
Question: “Where am I allowed to smoke?”
Response: “Smoking and the use of other tobacco products are not allowed on any university property. If you wish to smoke, you will need to leave campus property to do so.”
Question: “Am I allowed to smoke in my car?”
Response: “We ask that you respect our policy and not smoke or use tobacco products while your vehicle is on university property.”
For Vendors, Contractors, and Visitors: “I’d like to let you know in advance that UCSC is a smoke and tobacco-free environment. Smoking or use of tobacco products will not be permitted on any university property, grounds, or in the parking areas. Thank you for respecting our new policy.”
For Questions
Contact Cindy Delgado at cadelgad@ucsc.edu or 831-459-1787.