Certificate of Self-Insurance

UC’s Certificate of Self-Insurance Coverage

If required, Risk Services can issue a unique certificate under the following conditions.

  • The other party has rejected the UC Certificate of Self-Insurance Coverage.
  • An acceptable agreement has been negotiated by Real Estate and Contract Services or another campus with delegated authority for signing agreements.

How to Request a Unique UC Certificate of Self-Insurance Coverage

  • Send the request via email to propertycasualty@ucsc.edu.
  • Attach a copy of the entire agreement to the email.
  • Include the CruzBuy Requisition Number, if available.
  • Include the name of the UCSC employee who negotiated the agreement on behalf of your unit. This is usually someone in Real Estate and Contract Services.
  • Turnaround time depends on the complexity of the agreement. If the agreement includes indemnification or insurance terms that the university cannot comply with, then the agreement will need to be modified prior to the issuance of the certificate of insurance. After an acceptable agreement is negotiated, a unique certificate can usually be issued within three business days.
  • Certificates are not issued on campus holidays, weekends or during winter curtailment.
Last modified: Dec 19, 2024