Risk Services is committed to providing a comprehensive safe driving program for UC Santa Cruz employees. The goals of the Driver Safety Program are to increase awareness of guidelines for the safe use of University vehicles, and to provide a driving training program with safe driving information.
Driver Safety Program
This program educates drivers on defensive driving techniques, consequences of poor driving habits, and the role of individual driver behavior. We are committed to providing safe driving practices and outreach programs to mitigate risk, lower the frequency of vehicular collisions, and reduce campus liability.
SmithSystem Program

SmithSystem is the driver training program used to instruct University drivers on defensive driving best practices and collision avoidance. SmithSystem helps drivers see, think and react to driving challenges in different driving situations and vehicle types.
Training Options
In an effort to protect the University community, the Driver Safety Program is designed to educate and review the California driving fundamentals for University employees and student employees. Through the UC Learning Center drivers can enroll in driver safety training.
- Defensive Driving Ecourse
- Distracted Driving Ecourse
- Defensive Driving Fundamental Ecourse
- Defensive Driving: Truck Safety Ecourse
Additional Info
- SmithSystem 5 Keys to Safety
- Smith System Course Overview
- Driver Safety Training Coordinator (DSTC) User Guide
DMV Pull Notice Program
The Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1988 requires that UC Santa Cruz participate in the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice (EPN) Program. This program is intended to help employers promote driver safety through ongoing review of the driving records of designated employees. The DMV Pull Notice Program notifies the university when driver-employees are convicted of motor vehicle violations and when action is taken against a driver’s license or special certificate holder. This includes incidents that occur while driving both on and off the job.
Who is Required to Enroll?:
California Code, Vehicle Code- VEH § 1808.1: As per California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 1808.1, employers must enroll any University employee in driving job classes and operation of any vehicle for University business in a pull-notice program. All other University employees who in the course of their work have any of the following:
- The driver is required to have a Commercial Class A or Class B driver’s license.
- The driver is required to have a Commercial Class C driver’s license special endorsement (Hazardous Materials, Passenger Vehicles, Tank Vehicles).
- Class C with Special Certificates, issued pursuant to CVC Section 12517, 12519, 12520, 12523, 12523.5, 12527 or 12814.7
- The driver operates passenger vehicles with a seating capacity of 10 or fewer people (including the driver) for compensation by a charter-party passenger carrier.
- The driver works for a passenger stage corporation with a certificate of public convenience and necessity, or permit by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
These requirements include:
- Owners who own, lease or otherwise operate more than one motor unit, or more than three towed vehicles.
- Owner/ operators who have partners.
- Family members and volunteer drivers.
- Individuals employed for more than 30 work days in the preceding six months.
Types of Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL)
Class A License
A Class A License is an all-purpose license for CDL driving. Obtaining a Class A License affords all the privileges of a Class B License and a Class C License and more. With a Class A truck driver license, you can operate anything from heavy farm equipment to big rigs, passenger vans, and pretty much any other type of job you’d take to earn a living.
Class B License
A Class B license allows you to operate a single vehicle that weighs more than 26,000 pounds or a 3-axle vehicle weighing over 6,000 pounds. With a Class B License, you may also operate a bus and any farm equipment, along with all vehicles below Class C. These types of licenses can be commercial or non-commercial, depending on what you’ll use them for.
Class C License
This is the most common type of license and is what most people think of when they think of a driver’s license. With this type of license, you may operate a car or vehicle under 40 feet and haul a trailer that does not exceed 9,000 pounds. These types of licenses can be commercial or non-commercial depending on what you’ll use them for.
Individuals considered by the university to have a poor driving record or who are considered “negligent” by the DMV cannot be employed as drivers for the university. The university has the right to discontinue to employ a driver or non-select for a position as a driver for individuals who have a sufficiently serious violation or pattern of violations on their DMV records or who are considered “negligent” drivers by the DMV. All departments and managers with employees who are required to participate in EPN must follow the procedures specified in the Employer Pull Notice Procedures.
This monitoring will help to improve campus safety by revealing problem drivers or driving behavior. Each campus driver’s license validity can be verified and it will help to minimize your liability as an employer. Campus departments will be responsible to add new employees and delete employees when they leave the University.
How to Enroll Employees in the DMV Employer Pull Notice Program:
Ensure that your employee meets the requirements for enrollment in the program. This may include verifying that they are required to drive as part of their job duties.
Contact the Office of Risk Services:
Once you have confirmed eligibility, contact Veronica Febonio at the Office of Risk Services for assistance for enrollment, vfebonio@ucsc.edu, or 831-502-0054.
Obtain Employee Consent:
The employee must sign a consent form to authorize UCSC to pull their driving records annually. This is a required step for enrollment in the program.
Provide Employee Driver Information:
Lastly, gather the necessary driver information for the employee and provide it to the Office of Risk Services to complete the enrollment process in the California DMV Employer Pull Notice Program.
For any questions or further assistance, please contact Veronica Febonio, vfebonio@ucsc.edu, or 831-502-0054.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, Fleet & Transit administers a Drug and Alcohol Testing program for commercial drivers performing designated safety-sensitive functions. Testing for the illegal use of alcohol and controlled substances is required for all DOT-covered drivers and applicants for these positions. Non-DOT drivers are also included in this program. See also: University of California Policy on Substance Abuse(link is external).
The following tests are performed:
Pre-Employment Testing | Drug |
Random Testing | Drug & Alcohol |
Post-Accident Testing | Drug & Alcohol |
Reasonable Cause | Drug & Alcohol |
Return to Duty | Drug & Alcohol |
Follow-Up | Drug & Alcohol |
UCSC has contracted Preferred Alliance, Inc., as a third party administrator, with responsibility for selection, testing, and reporting of drug and alcohol tests for all covered employees.
All tests are conducted at the following certified collection sites:
Doctors on Duty – Santa Cruz
615 Ocean St, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
Phone # 831-425-7991
Fax # 831-425-7346
Hours: Mon – Fri 8am to 6pm, Sat & Sun 8am – 2pm
Doctors on Duty – Watsonville
1505 Main St, Watsonville, CA, 95076
Phone # 831-722-1444
Fax # 831-722-4414
Hours: Mon – Fri 8am to 6pm, Sat & Sun 8am – 2pm
Campus departments will be recharged for all costs associated with testing and administration of the program.
Related Links
For Questions
Contact Cindy Delgado at cadelgad@ucsc.edu or 831-459-1787.