Work-Related Travel Health

Work-Related Travel Health

Work-related travel health for employees of the University of California (UC) involves a comprehensive set of policies and guidelines designed to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of faculty, staff, and students traveling on behalf of the university. Here are the key aspects of travel health related to the UC system:

  1. Risk Assessment and Approval:
    • Travel Clinic appointment:
  2. Health Preparations:
    • Medical Consultation: Travelers are encouraged to consult with healthcare providers or travel medicine specialists before departure. This includes vaccinations, medications, and advice on managing chronic conditions while traveling.
    • Vaccinations: Based on the destination, travelers might need specific vaccinations (e.g., yellow fever, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, etc.).
    • Medications: Prescription and over-the-counter medications should be carried in their original containers along with copies of prescriptions. Travelers should also consider prophylactic medications for malaria or other region-specific diseases.

For Questions

Contact Cindy Delgado at or 831-459-1787.

Last modified: Sep 30, 2024