I. Summary
The University provides reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified employees who are disabled or become disabled and need assistance to perform the essential functions of their positions. Reasonable Accommodation is addressed through the use of the Interactive Process.
II. Related Policies, Contract Articles and References
- Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) – employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement:
- PPSM 81- Reasonable Accommodation Policy and Procedures
- Contract Articles – employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement
III. Authority
In circumstances where a recommended accommodation appears to the unit to be unreasonable, ineffective, or to constitute an undue hardship, the AVC of Staff Human Resources, in consultation with other appropriate offices, has responsibility for making the final determination.
IV. Process Overview
When a qualified employee with a mental or physical disability is, or becomes, unable to perform the essential, assigned duties of the currently held position as a result of a covered disability, the University is committed to providing reasonable accommodation. The University will explore reasonable accommodation options when an employee requests accommodation or indicates a need for accommodation due to a covered disability, or when the need for reasonable accommodation is obvious. Accommodation options will be considered in discussions with the employee. This is an interactive process that requires the active participation of the employee and the supervisor.
Interactive Process and Reasonable Accommodation
The Interactive Process is an ongoing dialog between the employee, the supervisor, and the Disability Management Coordinator about possible options for reasonably accommodating the employee’s disability.
- The Employee informs the supervisor of his/her functional limitations and the need for reasonable accommodation.
- The Supervisor engages in the Interactive Process, with the employee and the Disability Management Coordinator, once he/she becomes aware of the employee’s disability and the possible need for accommodation. The employee also has the responsibility to engage in the Interactive Process.